Department Structure

Department Structure

Shri Dharmpal Singh, Hon`ble Minister is Heading the Department.
Administrative Set-up –

1. Government Level :

  • The Administrative Head of Department, Animal Husbandry is the Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of U.P
  • Sri.Ravindra, Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Govt of U.P.
  • Sri. Devendra Pandey, IAS, Special Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Govt. of U.P.
  • Sri. Amarnath Upadhyay, IAS, Special Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Govt. of U.P.

2. Department Level :

  • Director, Administration & Development - Animal Husbandry Department, U.P., Lucknow.
  • Director, Disease Control & Farms - Animal Husbandry Department, U.P., Lucknow
  • Joint Director Administration from senior P.C.S. cadre and Finance Controller from Finance Services.
  • For Intensive and Integrated Animal Husbandry activities there are 18 regional headquarters with Additional Director (Grade-II), A.H. as the head of the region with 75 districts headed by the Chief Veterinary Officers.

Addresses & Telephone Numbers :

Name Address Tel. No. Email
Sri.Ravindra, IAS ,
Principal Secretary
Room No.824,825 8th Floor,Bapu Bhawan, Lucknow 0522-2239467
Sri Devendra Pandey, IAS Special Secretary Room No.66, IInd Floor, Adhikari Bhawan,Sa chivalaya,Lucknow 0522-2213486
Dr. R.N. Singh
Director Administration & Development
Directorate of A.H., Badshahbagh, Lucknow. 0522- 2740482(o) 0522- 2740238(o) 8 765957845(M ob),
Dr. P.N. Singh
Director Disease Control & Farms
Directorate of A.H., Badshahbagh, Lucknow. 0522-2742880 (O) 87659 57846 (Mob) dirdcf.ah-up@gov .in
Jyoti Rai
Joint Director (Admin)
Directorate of A.H., Badshahbagh, Lucknow. 0522-2740234
Sri M.K.Bhatt
Finance Controller
Directorate of A.H., Badshahbagh, Lucknow. 0522-2740237
Dr. J.K. Pandey
Adll. Director (Godhan)
Directorate of A.H., Badshahbagh, Lucknow. 0522-2740010

    Directorate Level Structure